The biosecurity team are here to support anyone living on, or travelling to, islands who would like to make improvements to biosecurity practices.
Whether you are an islander, visitor, business or agency we can help you to make biosecurity 'business as usual' to protect our islands and the amazing wildlife that lives there.
If you have a question about how to write a biosecurity plan, improve biosecurity measures, set up surveillance, plan an incursion response or biosecurity in general then please get in touch using our email
Meet the team: see below for information on our biosecurity staff including the regions that they cover.
To find out if EBIRAG can support your project, please answer these two questions here for more information.
RSPB Senior Project Manager.
Laura is the Project Executive for our Biosecurity for LIFE project. Laura raises awareness of biosecurity for seabird islands and promotes best practice in eradications and biosecurity both in the UK, and across Europe.
RSPB Island Restoration Officer
As co-author of the Island Biosecurity Manual, RSPB. Karen provides advice on biosecurity measures for non native invasive predators ensuring effectiveness, compliance with legal requirements and in as humane a way as possible.
RSPB, Senior Project Manager
Sophie oversees island restoration work in the UK and assists initiatives internationally. As co-author of the Island Biosecurity Manual, RSPB, Sophie is rolling out the best practice guidelines for biosecurity at RSPB reserves and islands managed by others.
Biosecurity for LIFE Officer
As Biosecurity for LIFE Officer for the Shetland and Orkney Islands, Holly works across the Northern Isles with communities and local teams to implement biosecurity measures on 15 Seabird SPA islands.
Biosecurity for LIFE Officer
Tessa's role as Biosecurity for LIFE Officer covers the island SPAs designated for their breeding seabirds across ten sites, five in Wales and five in Northern Ireland.
Volunteer Advisor, Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust
Jaclyn led the rat eradication work on Isles of Scilly, maintains biosecurity and advises on community-based island eradication and biosecurity.