Module 5


This module is all about critical thinking where pupils are able to evaluate their own design ideas and refine them to make them even better. By experimenting with different evaluation & feedback tools, ideas can be grouped or tweaked so they are even more effective. There is even the opportunity to test their ideas out before they get shared wider with key experts like the RSPB, the local community or with the people that live and work near ports and harbours.

Evaluate & Refine

Pupils will be introduced to tools that help to evaluate their own ideas and help them develop their critical thinking skills

Key Module Questions:

  1. What do you like about their idea?
  2. What parts of their idea has potential to make better?
  3. What would you change to make it better?

Learning outcomes:

Pupils can show understanding of what they listen to or watch by responding to literal, inferential, evaluative, and other types of questions, and by asking different kinds of questions of their own. Pupils can develop their beliefs, attitudes, values and practices through reflection, discovery, and critical evaluation.

Key vocabulary

  • Evaluation
  • Questions
  • Critical thinking
  • Feedback
  • Refine
  • Conservation

Session Structure:

Work through the presentation slides above and click on the relevant activity links below. A suggested session structure could be as follows:

  1. Icebreaker (5mins) Biosecurity is not only important to islands in the UK. Watch this video created by Halfmoon Bay school pupils looking to protect their Ulva Island in New Zealand.
  2. Introduction (20 mins) Pupils present their campaign ideas to the rest of the class. Whilst one group present the other pupils fill out the evaluation forms (click on link below for a printable copy). When the presentation is finished, pupils can give constructive feedback to each group before handing them their evaluation forms
  3. Class discussion (15mins) Have a whole class discussion about the ideas. Are there any common themes? Can some ideas be grouped together? Which idea would reach the most people?
  4. Refine (1-2hrs) Based on the feedback and discussion, groups go back to their original idea to refine further. Groups can be joined at this point if appropriate
  5. Final pitch (20mins) - Groups get to present their final campaign plans. This can be to the class, the wider school or even key experts out in the community
  6. Create (2h +) Depending on the idea you can spend an afternoon or a whole term bring these ideas to life. If it is a film, you might want to do some drama studies as preparation. If its social media you can develop in an IT class. There are many opportunities for cross-curricular and real-world learning at this stage
  7. Plenary (30mins+) Wild Writing. To contribute even more to local conservation, why not head back to Wild Challenge Awards and do some wild writing. This activity is about spending time in the natural world and using it to inspire creativity in writing, be it a poem, a song, a piece of non-fiction writing or even a fictional piece. Or it could be writing to your local MP to ask them to help look after our natural world! Alternatively, you can play a game of biosecurity tig, a game invented by pupils from Achaleven Primary School in West Scotland. Click on the link below.
Module 5

Group Game Biosecurity Tig - avoid attack from predators in this fast and fun game

Module 5

Wild Challenge Wild Writing - creative writing inspired by nature


All modules

Module 1


An introduction to biosecurity and why it matters. Includes outdoor games

Module 2


Researching seabirds including tasks, model building and games

Module 3


How to help seabirds including games, treasure hunts and identifying tracks

Module 4


Setting a design challenge and biodiversity action planning

Module 5


Groups present and evaluate ideas including news-reading, games and writing

Module 6


Spreading the word including stories, map activity and games